I am not just beautiful I am Hot

Monday 31 December 2012

As a woman, I feel that I only have eyes for my husband.  But learning about him, I have realized that for men it is difficult for them to not look at someone beautiful.  I'm not saying my husband is constantly looking at other women.  But, it is hurtful when I notice him "check out" another girl, even if only for a moment.  Sometimes it's difficult for me to accept that we will continue to be attracted to other people, even though we are true and faithful to one another and totally in love.  I think that's not really fair of me to expect him to ignore all other women and...
-I struggle to not feel hurt when I see him look at a girl in a short skirt.
-How do you cope with these issues?
-How can you learn to be more trusting and understanding of your husband, as his brain sees things differently?"



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