What should i wear to get hot look

Saturday 29 December 2012

I live alone, so at-home time is the chance to wear all the stuff I don't like. This system is practical — I don't wear out all the stuff I do like and have to buy more stuff I like — but probably not great for my self-esteem. Generally I'm dressing for warmth and comfort at home, which means $5 leggings, cute-but-worn-out slippers, and all the sweaters that are too big for me but still get the job done. Nothing hideous or ridiculous, but definitely not picante. I would love to wear cute clothes, jammies, and loungewear round-the-clock, but everything will get worn out so much faster, and I'll definitely spill wine on it. If I end up moving in with someone , keep your chin parallel to the ground and your shoulders back, and look straight ahead. Make a few seconds of eye contact with each person you pass, and hold someone's gaze when you're talking to him or her. Don't walk quickly down the halls, be sure to pause and socialize with people. Most importantly, don't forget to smile!



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